
1. One day workshop for the duration of 5 hours “Introduction to Acting”

It has been done so far in Kathmandu (Dabali Theatre), in Rome (Cinecitta), in Stockholm (Kulturama), in Istanbul (SAKM), in Amsterdam (Easy laughs group)

Two days workshop for the duration of 5 hours for each day for a total of 10 hours. “Introduction to Acting and Improvisation”

It has been done so far in Tbilisi (Marjansvilli Theatre), in New York City (Theaterlab),  in Paris (Ecole de Théatre de Paris), in Bethlehem (Al-Harah Theatre), ),  in Rome (International Acting School), in London (Giles Foreman Acting Studio)

Two days workshop for the duration of 5 hours for each day for a total of 10 hours. “Walking and Falling – The show”

It has been done so far in Rome (International Acting School), in London (Giles Foreman Acting Studio), in Paris (TRIXTER), in Izmir (Tiyatro Terminal), in Zurich (Prova.ZH), in Agadir-Morocco (Theatre Department of the University of Agadir), in Alexandria-Egypt (Theatre Department of the University of Alexandria)

Two days workshop for the duration of 5 hours for each day for a total of 10 hours. “Tonight we Improvise – The show”

It has been done so far in Istanbul ( Müjdat Gezen Art Academy),  in Rome (International Acting School), in London (Giles Foreman Acting Studio), in Ciudad del Carmen-Mexico (Theatre Department of the University of Ciudad del Carmen)

Three days workshop for the duration of 5 hours for each day for a total of 15 hours. “Vakhtangov: Between Stanislavski and Meyerhold”

It has been done so far in Alexandria-Egypt (Theatre Department of the University of Alexandria), in Tehran-Iran (Theatre Department of the University of Tehran), ), in Agadir-Morocco (Theatre Department of the University of Agadir)

Six days (a week) workshop for the duration of 5 hours for each day for a total of 30 hours. “History of Acting: From theory to practice”

It has been done so far in Milan (Paolo Grassi school of acting), in Tehran-Iran (Theatre Department of the University of Tehran)

Fifteen days (three weeks) workshop for the duration of 4 hours for each day for a total of 60 hours. “Euripide’s Helen – The show”

It has been done so far in Santa Barbara (Univercity of California Santa Barbara)

Please choose the workshop you prefer for your institution, school or theatre and contact me for details at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Actor, Director, Playwright, Acting-Coach.
Founder and Artistic Director at Theater of Changes (since 1998).
MFA Theatre Studies (Acting-Directing), OUC.
BFA Acting, NTNG.
BHuS European Culture, HOU.